I thought this was a neat little pattern. Check it out!
Monthly Archives: January 2014
Bonefish Merkin Crab Fly – Hans Stephenson
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Filed under Bonefish, Saltwater, Step by Step
Light Cahill Wet – tied by Eric Austin
Hook: Standard wet fly hook, #10,#12 or #14
Thread: Uni 8/0 “Cahill”
Tail: Light ginger hackle or coq de leon
Body: Cahill dubbing or dubbing made from light fox belly fur
Hackle: Light ginger
Wings: Wood duck flank
I’ve had good luck with this one on Ohio’s Mad River in the early summer. When dead drifted past rising fish the strikes can be awe inspiring. This fly is very popular on Pennsylvania spring creeks as well. Check out Eric’s website here.
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Filed under Classic
Rabbit Strip Tube Fly – Tony Torrence
Tony ties a rabbit strip tube fly for steelhead. He always does a good job of explaining things and is an excellent fly tier.
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Filed under Steelhead, Step by Step
Flies Around the Net – 1-27-14
Deer hair saltwater diving squid by Pat Cohen. www.rusuperfly.com
Caddis Emerger by Sasa Stosic
A smallmouth snack by Dave Hosler. www.pilecast.net
MayFly by Bram van Houten
Dirty Fonzy by Mike Schmidt www.anglerschoiceflies.com
Hatching Caddis by Markus Hoffman
Floss Diver by Tim Barker planettrout.wordpress.com
This one is by me, Paul J. Beel. I will be sending several of these to Michigan fly fishing guide of True North Trout, Brian “Koz” Kozminski and he will be testing it out as soon as the season starts. No name yet.
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Filed under FrankenFly
Intruder style streamer from LeGrille FlyFishing
A group of fly fishermen from Sweden called LeGrille FlyFishing did this video on an intruder style pattern.
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Filed under Steelhead, Step by Step, Streamers
Wonder Wings
So ever since I saw Wonder Wing style flies for the first time I’ve wanted to try to tie them. I never felt comfortable until now. So I sat behind my Regal last night and was ready to go. By following the information on this page of FlyAnglersOnline and this page on MidCurrent, I was able to grasp the concept. Below I have posted my little Wonder Girl tied last night. The hardest part of this technique is holding the fibers down as you wrap them on the hook. You just have to make sure you have a firm grip and don’t let any of the fibers come out. Once you get a couple of wraps on them, you can then pull them up slowly to manipulate the length of the wings. I love the style, they make beautiful wings. -Paul

Wonder Girl
Hook: size 12 dry fly
Tail: moose mane
Body: Spirit River UV2 Fine & Dry – March Brown
Hackle: Dun
Wings: brown rooster – Wonder Wing style
Thread: Danville 6/0 black
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Filed under Quick Tip, Trout flies