Hook: #12-18 Tiemco 2302
Bead: 5/64″ – 3/32″ Gold Tungsten Bead
Thread: UNI 17/0 >> or Olive UTC 70
Tail: Tan and Olive Ostrich Herl
Body: Tan and Olive Ostrich Herl
Rib: Gold X-Small Wire
Casing: Buggy Olive Medallion Sheeting
Legs1: Olive CDC
Legs2: UV Light Olive Ice Dub
Glue: your favorite UV resin
Monthly Archives: June 2014
deGala’s Gilled Nymph
Pumpkinseed of Doom
In between tying orders, I’ve been doing some creek fishing recently. A few days ago I spotted a nice sized gar that I’ve been itching to catch. He took a bite of my fly the other day, which was a Grandpa’s Chickenhawk, but I couldn’t get him hooked. If you have ever tried to catch gar, you know the feeling. They are hard to hook because of their long narrow mouth with teeth.
In this same water there are Pumpkinseed Sunfish and I have a feeling the gar love them. There are flies made specifically for gar from nylon rope because it will get entangled in their mouth and you can pull them in that way. I didn’t want to do that, so I created this little Pumpkinseed of Doom to try out. It includes John Rohmer’s Arizona Simi Seal and a bit of Senyo’s Laser Dub. I tip my hat to the guys at FlyFishFood for turning me on to Simi Seal, it’s great stuff. I gave the fly a trailing Intruder hook for good measure. This is not a big streamer, it is a small one. Perfect for small creek fishing.
So I went out to the creek yesterday to do some fishing. I was not able to get a good look at a gar like before, but it was fine by me, because I was rewarded anyway. A nice Smallmouth Bass grabbed a hold of the Pumpkinseed of Doom and gave me a good fight. He made a few runs back and forth and made two jumps trying to shake it off, but couldn’t. To my delight, I was able to bring him in. Man I love Smallies, they are so tough!
I have not given up on the gar. I will continue to hunt for one. I’ll definitely be tying up some more Pumpkinseed’s of Doom to take with me, no matter what I’m fishing for.
Filed under FrankenFly, Smallmouth, Streamers
GEOBASS: Nicaragua
The guys at MOTIV Fishing have released a new video. I watched it last night and loved it! In about a 15 minute video they fit a lot of cool stuff in here. Check it out.
Brought to you by www.costadelmar.com
GEOBASS is a new epic adventure series following four expedition anglers on an around the world ultimate bass slam journey.
Deep in the jungle the boys hunt for the elusive Rainbow Bass in Episode 4 Nicaragua. They’ll have to hack their way through thick jungle, be on the lookout for crocs, and dine on iguana, all in search of a hidden lagoon.
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Filed under Fly fishing show
Fishy Photos
After seeing all of the beautiful photos taken by various anglers day by day, I wanted to start a new series of posts here on FrankenFly where I could highlight some of these photos. Sometimes a photo is the next best thing to actually being there or you might be stuck at work but able to quickly see a photo that will propel you into a dream, instead of thinking about the humdrum work you are literally chained to.
I’ll kick this off by displaying a view that have caught my eye recently. Please feel free to send me photos or to send me a link to a photo you think is worth showing others. Contact information can be found on the About FrankenFly page. Enjoy!
Chris Clemes Fly Rod and Reel Makers
Grizzly Hackle Fly Shop
Dave Hosler of Pile Cast
John Montana of Carp on the Fly
Gates Au Sable Lodge
The photo is by Joe Nicklo of HMG Fly Systems
This is a male Light Cahill.
Filed under Uncategorized
Barr’s Graphic Caddis
Hammer Creek Fly Fishing tackles John Barr’s Graphic Caddis. John created this pattern to imitate an emerging caddis pupae.
Filed under nymphs, Trout flies
Treppa’s F.O.T.F (Fly of the Flats) – Ben Treppa
Hook: Daiichi 2220 Streamer Hook (4X long) size 6
Thread: UTC 70 Denier Black
Tail: Finn Raccoon Tan
Tail Flash: Cooper Krystal Flash
Legs: Barred Crazy Legs Orange/Gold Flake
Eyes: “Mono” Eyes (purchase or make with hard mono & 6/0 glass czech bead)
Body Hackle: Orange Grizzly
Dubbing: Cohen’s Carp Dub-Rusty Nail
Wing: Finn Raccoon Tan
Head: Sculpin Helmet Mini- Brown
- Securely mount hook in vise. Begin thread 3/4 of the way work to the bend and back forward. Cut hunk of finn raccoon off the hide and remove long guard hairs and under fur. Tie in from 50% point of the hook shaft down to just above the bend. I prefer the tail to be under an inch but you can adjust as necessary for your needs.
- Add krystal flash. I like the Krystal flash about as long as the tail. Generally I use 2 pieces tied in and doubled over for strength.
- Add in legs of your choice similar to the way you did the krystal flash. You want them about as long as the tail. Tie them in and double them over for strength.
- Use pre-made or make your own “mono” eyes. I like the EP crustacean eyes but I ran out so I used homemade. This is a piece of hard mono with 6/0 czech glass beads placed on them with Deer Creek Diamond Hard resin.
- Tie eyes in about 1/4″ off the back of the fly. I use a pair of flat jawed pliers to flatten the mono creating less bulk for the fly.
- Select a piece of grizzly schlappen or webby hackle. I prefer grizzly because of its “molted” look. Tie it in just in front of the eyes, tip first.
- Create a dubbing loop about 6" in length. Insert Cohen’s carp dub into the loop, spin well, then brush out.
- Palmer dubbing loop with Carp dub forward to your initial tie in point. Once again brush out.
- Palmer hackle forward. I make quite a bit of wraps of the hackle and even go into the marabou like stuff near the bottom of the feather.
- Rotate hook in vise. Cut piece of finn raccoon off the hide, remove most long guard hairs, and underfur. Tie in, clean up thread head, whip finish, and cut thread. Touch a fairly large amount of gel superglue, slide sculpin helmet on, and put into place. Make sure the “keel” of the helmet is on the bottom so the hook point rides up. At this point remove it from the vise and trim the bottom of the fly down with a pair of scissors if you would like. It helps sometimes with the speed at which it sinks.
Filed under Carp flies
Parachute Adams Dry Fly
Hans Stephenson shows us how tie a Parachute Adams dry fly. Note from Hans: This pattern is indispensable – tie it in sizes 12-22 and you can match just about any hatch.
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Filed under Trout flies
T-shirts added to online store
I have added FrankenFly t-shirts to the online store. When I made my recent order of shirts, I ordered some extras and then I sold some that I was not expecting, so there are limited sizes left. Black and red shirts are available. Just click the drop down to select the sizes under each shirt. Visit the FrankenFly Online Store to see if you can snatch one up before they are all gone!
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Filed under FrankenFly