Scuds are a stillwater staple and when present in large concentrations they are a steady staple for stillwater trout. A healthy influx of scuds in the diet allows trout to pack on the pounds. The Pumpkin Snatcher is a suggestive pattern that works well when trout become fixated on scuds.
-Philip Rowley
Monthly Archives: August 2015
Pumpkin Snatcher – Philip Rowley
Filed under Trout flies
Attention: FrankenFly fly orders
Things have been booming around FrankenFly this summer and that’s a fabulous thing! I’m extremely happy about it! But I wanted to post a note to all of you out there to let you know where I stand on fly orders right now. If you want to order flies from me, I’m about a month out right now. I’ve got some big orders to tie up and so I have a lot on my plate and I thought I better let everyone know. You can still order flies, just know that I won’t be able to start on them for about a month. All individual fly orders made before today are already finished and will be shipped out today.
This has nothing to do with ordering decals or hats. You can still order these and I will get them out to you right away. It is just the fly orders that I’m concerned with currently.
Speaking of hats, I have an order in for more and they should ship to me next week and I will have them available in the FrankenFly store once again.
The Bucket Mouth League is continuing to do great things and there is a contest I’m putting together that will be announced soon, so stay tuned!
Thanks all, now get out there and fish!
Filed under FrankenFly
Chernobyl Ant
Tim Flagler shows us how to tie a super effective pattern, the Chernobyl Ant. Trust me, these babies are good to have in your fly box all the time.
Fly tying of Daniel Seaman

Daniel Seaman
My name is Daniel Seaman and I own and operate Bug Wild out of eastern North Carolina. I have been fishing a little here and there my whole life, but really started fishing consistently while in college with some friends. After graduation, the job search was a bit slower than expected, mostly due to the downturn of the economy (especially with an architectural degree). I needed something to pass the time while job searching…so I began fishing more and more, basically every day. Eventually, spin fishing got somewhat predictable to me so I decided to pursue fly fishing. I quickly found that fly fishing was actually more efficient at catching fish than traditional spin fishing, at least for me (I was never a great fisherman).
After two years of slinging other people’s files—mostly from online value stores—I decided to give tying my own flies a shot. I have always been somewhat “artsy”, so this was a good way to incorporate that into a useable application. Living in Rocky Mount, NC a lot of folks around here don’t fly fish at all. In fact, the closest fly shop is several hours away. I really have to rely on the internet for advice, materials and ideas.
I purchased my first vise in June 2014. Needless to say, it has been slowly downhill since then (in a good way). I have never been as addicted to anything in my entire life, as I am with tying flies. Something about the mindset and process really calms me down. If you know me personally, you understand what I mean by this. I have little, to no patience for anything…..except tying flies.
When I first started tying, I began researching fly patterns and popular artists and stumbled upon Pat Cohen’s work randomly in Google Images. I thought his deer hair work was the coolest thing I’ve ever seen and knew I had to try it myself. After several hundred attempts of my own, folks were starting to notice my work and wanted to purchase flies from me. I had no intentions on selling flies, and never thought I would ever be at this point….it just sort-of happened.
I tie mostly warm water flies, specifically for targeting the larger species in my local waters, such as bass and carp. I really love when a big bucket mouth inhales a fly. I enjoy tying articulated flies and top water bugs. You can easily see who some of my major influences are in my flies (including FrankenFly). I would not be where I am today without help, advice, and ideas from the best fly tiers in the world.
I am not a large commercial fly tier; I really prefer small custom orders. I work a full time “8-5” job as an estimator at a metal building company, so this is absolutely not my main source of income. I honestly don’t know how folks do this as a full time job. I have tremendous respect for the professionals. I always believe in quality over quantity, in everything I do in life. I am probably much slower than some folks, but I believe if you take your time, you can accomplish anything. People constantly ask me for advice on how to improve their fly tying and I say, “test your flies.” You can tie the prettiest flies in the world, but if you don’t test them out in the water, they could look like total garbage to a fish and not perform as expected. You don’t need anything fancy to do this, just a sink or a bathtub.
I am truly honored and humbled to have been asked to write something up for FrankenFly. I have been following the website since I’ve started fly fishing. I am very glad people are enjoying my work; it makes me extremely happy, and motivates me to continue doing what I do. I am also very thankful for certain companies for giving me professional opportunities along the way. Stay tuned for more to come!
Filed under Carp flies, Deer Hair, Largemouth
Nymph-Head® Evolution™ Fly Tying Contest
It’s easy to enter.
No complicated, time-consuming signup.
- Tie a fly with a Nymph-Head Evolution beadhead and take a picture of it.
- Post the photo on Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter, tag us in it (make sure you’re following us!), and hashtag #
Learn more about all the details of this fly tying contest over at Flymen Fishing Company’s website.
Filed under nymphs
Apex Flies by Ilias Fn Karanzas
My name is Ilias, I’m a fly tier in sweden tying under the name Apex Flies. I’ve been flyfishing and flytying for almost 15 years, but I started making my poppers just 2 years ago. As my eyesight got bad and I started mowing towards bigger and bigger flies. I later got glasses, but at that time I was already stuck in the swamp of making giant flies for giant fish. A lot of the big fly tiers say they only make flies for pike or perch, but I make predator flies. If its got big teeth and a bad attitude, my poppers and streamers will do the deed. And they have caught everything from pike in northern Sweden to world record breaking dog tooth tuna in Sudan. I love making the poppers as airbrushing them requires some skill and you get to use your artistic side a bit and popper fishing is some of the most fun fishing a person can have. I’m new in the game but people seem to like my stuff and they are turning heads, and that’s great. I put a lot of love into each and every fly, because as a fisherman you gotta love what’s at the end of your leader:)
Filed under Poppers
Salmon Fly Jock Scott – Vitalik Bruttalny
This is a step-by-step sent to me by Vitalik Bruttalny of the salmon fly called Jock Scott. Simply beautiful!
Filed under Classic, Salmon, Step by Step
Short Shank Gurgler – Jim Misiura
If you need a quick little popper, this is a good one.
Materials list:
Hook: Octopus #1 #6
Thread: Yellow
Tail: Yellow Bucktail / Any Flash
Body: Yellow Sheet Foam
Hackle: Yellow
Filed under Poppers
Bucket Mouth League decals now available!
Bucket Mouth League decals are finally here! They are now available in the FrankenFly online store.
The decals are round and 4″ x 4″ in size. They are outdoor vinyl decals that should last at least 5 years.
If you don’t know what the Bucket Mouth League is, just read my previous post to find out the details.
Filed under Bucket Mouth League