In this episode of Tie TV, the professional fly tyer Andreas Andersson shows us how to tie a realistic deer hair mouse imitation! It might look more like a pet than fish food, but it’s actually a very effective fly for big trout, bass, pike and many other predatory fish…
Monthly Archives: September 2015
Deer Hair Mouse – Andreas Andersson
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Filed under Deer Hair, Largemouth, Smallmouth, Streamers, Trout flies
Dan Blanton’s Sabalo Yucatan
Martyn White shows us how to tie a good looking tarpon fly that was created by Dan Blanton. Check it out!
Materials list:
Hook: Tiemco 600 SP
Thread: Danville’s flat waxed nylon
Tail: Rabbit zonker and flashabou
Body: large webby saddle hackles
Head: Cactus chenille/estaz
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Filed under Saltwater
FrankenFly at Fall Orvis Days
I will be tying at the Orvis shop in Carmel, Indiana this Saturday, Oct. 3rd from 12:00pm to 2:00pm to celebrate Fall Orvis Days. If you are around the area stop in and say hi. I’ll be tying a variety of streamers and their will be other cool presentations happening. Oh, there will also be pizza and beer! How could you pass that up!?!
I hope to see you there!
See below for more details.
Saturday Events, Oct. 3
12:00 noon – 2:00 pm | Fly-Tying Demonstration with FrankenFly’s Paul J. Beel
Paul owns and runs the website; he’s also a very accomplished fly creator and tier. Paul has fly patterns that were recently picked up by Orvis. Look for these in our shop soon. The FrankenFly website is full of patterns, step-by-step videos, and fly-tying recipes. Come see Paul tie some of his patterns and help us welcome him to Orvis.
12:00 noon – 2:00 pm | Pizza & Craft Beer
Come out and enjoy some of the best pizza in Carmel! Tony Sacco’s will be providing a variety of pies for all to enjoy while taking in a seminar or two. We will also have free beer sampling in the store provided by Upland Brewing Co.
2:00 pm – 2:30 pm | Steelheading within a Day’s Drive of Indy
Fishing Manager Jason Sandlewick will be giving a PowerPoint presentation on a few different wading-friendly places to access steelhead within 4-6 hours of Indy. Rod outfits, access points, fly selection, and techniques will be covered in this class. If you are looking for some spots to chase steelhead this fall and winter, then you will want to be at this seminar.
Filed under FrankenFly
Kype Magazine – Fall 2015
The new edition of Kype Magazine is now available! If you haven’t yet given Kype a read, it is a very nice mag that covers everything fly fishing. From carp to trout to salt and everything in between. So I think everyone will enjoy this one. Give it a read!
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Filed under emagazine
New Dun Magazine and Da Perch

Dun Magazine Fall Edition 2015
The Fall edition of Dun Magazine is out! Included is a nice fly tying video from Nome Buckman on a Muskie fly pattern called Da Perch. Check it out below.
BML Photo Contest date extended!!
I’ve decided to extend the date on the Bucket Mouth League Photo Contest to give everyone a little more time. As another fly fisher pointed out, the fall bite is about to be on, so it wouldn’t hurt to extend the date.
The new deadline for the photo contest is
October 15th, 2015
So now there is even more reason and no excuses for you not to enter the contest!
Check out the rules and announcement here!
Thanks for following FrankenFly!
Filed under Bucket Mouth League, FrankenFly
BML Photo Contest – right now!

Photo and Flies by Kyle Schmer
If you haven’t been working on your photo for the Bucket Mouth League photo contest, get to it! Time is running short! As you can see by Kyle’s photo above, it can be just that cool! Rules and announcement for the contest are on my original post. There are some fantastic prizes being offered for this contest. If you haven’t been thinking about this, you are missing out! C’mon people, be creative and get to work, lets see what you got!
Thank you!
Filed under FrankenFly
Father and Son Stormtroopers – Take a kid fishing
Not only in a galaxy far far away, but right here on Earth, Tight Lines Fly Fishing Company reminds us to take a kid fishing.
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Filed under Fly Fishing