The January issue of tail is now available digitally and in Fly Shops and retail stores throughout the US and Canada. Head over to the Tail Fly Fishing Magazine website to find out how to subscribe to a great magazine!
The January issue of tail is now available digitally and in Fly Shops and retail stores throughout the US and Canada. Head over to the Tail Fly Fishing Magazine website to find out how to subscribe to a great magazine!
Filed under Uncategorized
From Fly Fish the Mitt:
“This musky fly has been very effective for me. I started tying it this last summer for pike and musky with good success. I’ve tied it in a few different variations of colors but this one seems to be the goto for the rivers we fish. Credit to Eli of Great Lakes Fly (www.greatlakesfly.com). I started tying it after I got some Foosa’s from Eli. It’s sort of the same idea as the Foosa but not as complex…probably not tied as well either. It’s a simple pattern to tie that doesn’t take too long and has been pretty effective.”
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Filed under Muskie
This is a very interesting video and you can learn a lot from it. Mark Sedotti’s fly started the big fly craze back in the early 1990s. Mark talks about how be brought the fly to Michigan for the first time and about what happens afterwards. You can also learn a lot about weighting a fly and the action, by listening to Mark. I know this is a long video, but it’s a good one, so watch and learn!
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Filed under Streamers
Peter Steen ties a lot of nice flies. These two Caddis Emergers caught my eye in his Instagram feed, so I wanted to highlight them here. If you want to follow Peter, he is on Instagram @fly_fishing_pete
Materials list:
Hook: Size 14 Moonlit ML059
Thread: UTC 70 in Wood Duck.
Body: Hemingway’s Beaver Dubbing Plus dubbing and Danville rayon floss
Wing: Nature’s Spirit select cow elk
Hackle: Whiting Farms golden badger saddle hackle. Hackle can be left as is or trimmed on the bottom if you want the fly to ride a little lower.
Materials list:
Hook: Size 14 FireHole Outdoors 315 hook
Body: Midge size vinyl rib in amber
Underwing: CDC
Wing: Elk Hair
Head: Rabbit’s Foot Dubbing
Filed under Dry Fly, Trout flies
Presented by All Tied Up Fly Tying School & Supplies.
Christmas Present Popper
Materials list:
Size 2 Daiichi 2720 Hook
Yellow Bucktail Tail
H2O flash Tail
Light Yellow UV Ice Dubbing
Yellow Hackle Rear Body
Hot Orange Bug Legs
4mm Yellow Googly Eyes
Mini Green Christmas Present Head
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Filed under Poppers
From Brian Wise of Fly Fishing the Ozarks:
“Merry Christmas…….filthy animals.”
Flymen Fish Spines
Body – Deer Hair
Eyes – Black Foam
Nose – Orange Foam
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Filed under Deer Hair
Materials list:
Hook – Partridge Czech Nymph #12
Bead – FlyFiend Slotted Tungsten 3.5MM
Thread – GSP 100D / UTC 70D Black
Body – Kileys Nymph Skin Nat/Latex
Thorax – Rabbit Dubbing Black
Legs – Pheasant Tail Dyed Black
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Filed under nymphs
From Mad River Outfitters:
“The Buck Nasty is an effective fly that has served our guides well throughout the Great Lakes region. Ryan Ratliff walks us through a fly that marries both the Bob Popovic’s hollow fly pattern with Jerry French/Ed Ward intruder style fly.”
Be sure to visit Mad River Outfitter’s website at http://www.madriveroutfitters.com/
Materials list:
Shank: Senyo’s Articulated Shank 40mm by Flymen Fishing Co
Hook: Daiichi 2553 #2-#4
Thread: UTC 140 Black
Weighted Eyes: Small Plain Lead Dumbell
Stinger Loop: Senyo’s Standard Intruder Wire Black
Dubbing Ball/Prop: Senyo’s Fusion Dub Midnight
Rear Station: Large Northern Bucktail Black
Rear Flash: EP Sparkle Black Purple
Body: Senyo’s Fusion Dub Midnight
Front Station 1: Large Northern Bucktail Fl. Blue
Front Station 2: Large Northern Bucktail Black
Front Flash: EP Sparkle Black Purple
Wing 1: Lady Amherst Center Tail Lavender
Wing 2: Barred Flashabou Fl. Blue
Wing 3: Barred Marabou Blood Quill Purple Black
Eye: Pro Sport Fisher Pro Jungle Cock Medium Blue
Epoxy: Loon UV Clear Finish- Thin
Cement: Zap-a-Gap
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Filed under Intruders