From Ahrex:
“Big fish often need big baits – and damsels can often do the trick!. In this video the talented danish tyer and flycasting instructor Lars Chr. Bentsen shows how delicate he can turn a hook together with few materials in a creative way into a super effective fly for hunting big trouts. Have a look and happy tying.”
Monthly Archives: January 2019
Furled Damsel – tied by Lars Chr. Bentsen
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Filed under Trout flies
Greater Cincinnati Fly Fishing Show – FrankenFly
I’ll be at the Greater Cincinnati Fly Fishing Show this Saturday from 9am to 4pm. See details about the show at the link below. I’ll have Monster Dub and Werewolf Hair on hand. Plus new flies like the Sweet Potato Pie and Bluegill Belly Bean and if you are early enough, I’ll have FrankenFrogs as well.


Sweet Potato Pie

Bluegill Belly Bean
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Filed under FrankenFly
Camel Light Cranefly – Hans Stephenson
From Hans:
“Despite the cigarette filter look, this fly works amazing when there’s craneflies around. Trout love these big bugs, and they’ll go out of their way to eat them typically. Works great both dead drifted and skittered!”
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Filed under Dry Fly, Trout flies
Tying the Michigan Hillbilly
Ray Schmidt shows how to tie an old Michigan fly called the Michigan Hillbilly.
Materials list:
Hook: Mustad 94840 dry fly
Thread: Black 6/0
Tail: Brown Hackle Fibers
Egg Sack: Peacock Herl
Body: Red Yarn
Wing: Woodchuck
Hackle: Brown
Filed under Dry Fly
Royal Olive Soft Hackle – Fly Fiend
Jake Vanderweyden shows us how to tie a little soft hackle to fish on the swing.
Check it out!
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Filed under Soft Hackles
Purple Darth Baetis tied by Greg Garcia
From Anglers All:
This time on fly tying Friday’s we re-visit the famed “Darth Baetis” pattern tied by Umpqua Feather Merchants signature tyer, Greg Garcia. This pattern is already a staple amongst rocky moutain tailwater anglers in various color schemes and now you can tie one up in purple. Below is the material list for this fly, and as always, don’t hesitate to reach out to us at the shop with any questions you have in the tying process.
Materials list:
Hook: TMC 2488 size 14
Thread: UTC 70 in purple
Tail: Whiting CDL in purple
Rib: Hedron Color Wire in teal
Wing case: Nature’s Spirit X-tremely fine dubbing in “Purple Haze” Hairline Flashback in Black
Legs: Veevus iris in purple
Whip finish is secured by UV “Thin Flex” from Pro Sportfisher.
Filed under nymphs, Trout flies
Tying the Bobby Spinner with Kelly Galloup
From TheSlideInn:
“The Bobby Spinner is an old spent spinner imitation that is incredibly durable and floats extremely well. You can change the size and color to imitate a wide variety of mayfly spinners, and has been one of our favorites on the waters around South West Montana for years.”
Materials list:
Thread: Brown 10/0 Power Silk
Hook: Daiichi 1110
Tails: Brown Barred Black MFC Micro Barred Fibbetts
Body: Short Fine Deer Hair
Wing: EP Trigger Point Fibers or MFC Z Yarn
Hackle – Cree, Barred Dark Ginger, or Grizzly Variant Hackle
Thorax – Brown Olive Super Fine Dubbing
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Filed under Trout flies
Hairy Lady (Fan wing dry fly) – Eugene Borovin
Eugene Borovin contacted me and showed me this beautiful fly he tied. So I had him send over a step-by-step so I could post it here on FrankenFly.
Eugene says, “I’m a non-professional fly tier and fly fisherman from Russia and my Instagram page is @flyfishing_flies.”
I have been following Eugene’s Instagram and it is worth the follow. He ties some awesome flies!
Hairy Lady Recipe:
Hook – Tiemco 100 #10
Tail – Coq de Leon fibers (medium pardo)
Body – Super Fine olive dubbing and badger cock saddle feather size 16
Rib – Uni silver oval tinsel med
Thorax – Peacock feathers
Wing – Pair male mallard body feathers
Hackle – Badger cock saddle feather size 10
Thread – Uni trico 17/0 white
- Secure your hook in the vice.
- Attach your tying thread and start wrapping the thread from hook eye to middle of shank
- Come back the thread to middle to the eye direction
- Take a pair male mallard body feathers and clean the fluff.
- Secure pair feathers on the shank.
- Wrap the thread to the end of shank. Take the Coq de Leon feather (medium pardo) and cut few fibers. Secure fibers on the shank.
- Than secure oval tinsel.
- Put some olive dubbing on the thread and start to form body of our fly.
- In the end of the body secure cock saddle feather (badger color).
- Start wrapping cock saddle feather around the body to the end of shank, than start wrapping oval tinsel over feather to the eye direction.
- Secure pair of peacock feathers.
- Secure cock saddle feather (badger color).
- Start wrapping the peacock feathers than wrapping the cock saddle feather. Secure both.
- Form the head of our fly.
- Color the head on black.
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Filed under Dry Fly, Trout flies