Erik Svendsen @svenddiesel on Instagram recently hosted an interesting fly tying contest on Instagram. To see more details about what the Svendify Fly Tying Contest was, see my previous post to advertise the contest. This contest really brought out the creativity with many contestants throwing the rule book out the window. The primary focus was below, provided by Erik Svendsen, the host of the contest.
Question, What is Svendify Methodology. Answer, have fun at the vise. Tie something new, add some flash, try a new color, or simply be creative. The winner will be judged by 5 random judges, who understand what Svendify is.
More specifically it will be judged on:
1. Creativity
2. Durability
3. Fishability
4. Bin appeal
5. Likely hood that it will catch a fish

So there were over 500 entries in this contest and there was one winner. The winner was an 8-bit style Perch popper tied by Timothy Hildebrand @1_timbo_slice on Instagram.

Below are more entries that were very interesting, so check them out. They names provided are their Instagram handles.
Erik said he would like to thank the companies that supported him for this contest. J. Stockard Fly Fishing, Semperfli, Nature’s Spirit, Stealth Hooks, Fly Skinz, and Spawn Fly Fish.
- bluejayflies
- continental_queen
- donw3st
- bootzflies
- envisionflyworks
- flyfish83
- fly_tying_addict
- jbgillette
- jurgens_de_jager
- kaldesk
- kyle_chanitz_fly_tying
- michael_flippin_vancardo
- fish.jory.disc
- michael_flippin_vancardo
- ofishaltackle
- or80rowley
- sam_fishing_occassionally
- semperflyrods
- sgt.bassfisher
- snakeriverfly
- troumountainscamping
- zach_lozier
- whisperingravenleather