I created FrankenFly hoping to provide all kinds of fly tying information. I want to shine a spotlight on unappreciated tyers, while also posting fly tying interviews, product reviews, new products, history, and anything else fly tying related. I want FrankenFly to be a place that others with the same passion and devotion to fly tying call home.
Fly tying can be many different things to many people. It can be our link to fishing when we can’t make it to the water. A gateway through our dreams to reach things we love. It can even be an effective way of escaping our hectic lives. Fly tying is a world all its own and I’m extremely passionate about that world.
FrankenFly isn’t really about me at all, but occasionally I will write about my own personal fly tying experiences. I’m an avid fly tyer, fisherman, and writer, so I will do my best to bring you the most interesting content possible. I have a wife and two sons that demands my attention as well.
Please don’t hesitate to if you have any suggestions, ideas, or questions. Thank you for reading FrankenFly and I welcome you back time and again.
Never quit tying!
Paul J. Beel
Was looking through your site
I noticed you pinned my streamers365 fly Korinary. Nice!
Great looking site. I’m gonna add you to my blog roll.
Thank you Eunan! Yes I love your Korinary fly and all of your tying actually. Keep up the great work!
Hello Paul,
I like your bucketmouth bass league and your desihgn for patch, decal. You are missing one feature – you need to show some deer hair bugs????
Just my two cents from an old fly tyer.
Thanks Armand, I sent you an email.
I didnt know you had a Blog Eunan
Paul- It’s looking good around here. I’m glad you went forward with this. Keep up the great work. By the way, there’s a great local tyer up here named John Sheets. He’s an artist. You should add him to your list of people to highlight.
Keep up the great work!
Jason Tucker
Fontinalis Rising
Jason, it is great to hear from you! I really appreciate the compliments. You are obviously one of the reasons why I built this thing.
Thanks for the tip, I will definitely contact John.
Take care!
Hi Paul,
Really, Really nice fly tying blog! I really enjoy the midwest coverage and the creativity… Looking forward to see what you post next…. Great Stuff!
Thank you very much Greg!
It is great to hear from you and I really appreciate the comment!
I’m really glad you like the blog.
This is a really awesome Blog/Site!! As a tyer, I cannot wait for what will be posted next; possible learning a new technique or seeing new material being used. Keep up the great job. Tight Lines and Snazzy Flies, Todd.
Thanks Todd, I really appreciate the nice comment, thank you very much!
You keep up the good work as well my friend!
Hey Todd,
We agree. Super cool site.
If you are into tying you should check out Flyfishbonehead:
They have a searchable fly tying video library.
Hopefully Frankenfly will get involved as well.
Tight lines,
Hey, wanted to let you know that I absolutely love the site. I look forward to checking it out everyday. I posted about this site with a link on our guide service blog. http://www.paundercurrent.blogspot.com
Hey Andy, I really appreciate the comment and I’m glad you like the site! I love to hear that people are enjoying the site! It makes my day!
Thank you for posting about it on your blog and being a returning visitor.
I really enjoyed visiting your site … definitely, two thumbs-up. I found it very informative and liked the concept of sharing fly patterns and tips from other tyers. Tight lines.
Thank you Andy, I really appreciate you commenting to let me how much you liked the site.
It’s always wonderful to hear when someone enjoys the website. I’m working hard to make it a nice site to visit.
I’m really enjoying your site here Paul, keep em coming bro…
Thanks Murray! I’m glad you like it!
Hi Paul,
Great Job with your site. Love seeing all the creativity and ingenuity in tying styles from all over the world. Look forward to “visiting” regularly!
Tight Lines!
Greg Carter
Squidhound Flyfishing , Maine, USA
Hi Greg,
Thank you very much for the compliment. I’m glad you like the site and will be visiting often!
Thank you for the comment, it’s great to know!!
Great looking blog. Can’t wait to see more,
Thank you Brad!
Sick site, looking forward to tying some of the flies. Great concept, i will be keeping in touch !!
Thanks Aaron! I appreciate you stopping by!
What a great web-site you have created! I think I will go back and cruise around and see what I missed the first time! Keep up the good work!
Thank you Doug, I appreciate that!
Great site. I like what you are providing. I just started following you on instagram as well. I am new to the sport as well as tying. I really enjoy your style. Keep up the great work. By the way where are you located?
Thank you Glen, I really appreciate the compliments.
I’m located in Indiana.
Welcome to the sport!
Hey Paul
Joe, click the “contact me” link in the text on this page to send me an email. I don’t want to spell out my email address because of spammers.
Hey Paul
Can you send a quick email to my home address. You and I had been talking via my old work address.
I’d like to post those fly pics we had talked about (re: Great Lakes Steelhead nymphs).
Talk soon Paul and Happy New Year!
Joe de Laronde
Joe, I did send you one. I’ll try again.
Hey, I love the site. Some great fly patterns. I was wondering if you would be OK with telling me where you get your pink fox from? I am in dire need of it for my Hendrickson patterns here in NY. I would appreciate it.
Are Yuck looking for Arctic Fox?
If so you can find it online. Possibly Mad River Outfitters or J Stockard.
Nice site man. I share the same passions. Love seeing all the flies. I have only begun to learn and I enjoy it when one comes out nicely. Thanks!
Brandon Cassidy
New Creature
Thanks Brandon, it is great hearing from someone who enjoys the same passions!
Hi Paul,
I really enjoy the site. I have a ‘newt/lizard’ pattern that I would like to share for the upcoming bass season. Can you please direct me on how to proceed?
Thank you in advance,
Hi Jon,
Send me an email at paul.beelATgmail.com
I would look forward to seeing this pattern. I too also love this site!
Enjoy your site all year. Have a Merry Christmas
Thank you and Merry Christmas!
Recently purchased a small three drawer chest and each drawer was full of fly tying material from Universal Vice Corp (over 200 little cardboard thread holders). I see you’ve mentioned this company and wonder if you know what years it was in business?
No I’m sorry, I don’t. I tried looking back at the video that said what years they were in business but they removed the video from YouTube.
Paul, I’m inquiring about the portable travel kit vise box (7 1/2″ wide x 4″ deep x 1 1/2″ tall when closed) with a stainless steel plate on the bottom and in walnut. Do you build them for order, and if so, what’s the cost?
No I don’t. That was a vise that was built by Doug Stout and he only built it for himself. He does not build vises to sell.
Can you tell mw what size is the Bluegill Belly Bean?
I sent you an email.
Size 10.
You guys should look into having your Bucket Mouth League sticker turned into a patch. I have a vest that I keep my angling pins on and it could use some sweet Frankenlove. Just a suggestion.
I’ve thought about it before, but I’m not sure if they would sell very well.
I appreciate the interest!
Wondering when the Frankenfly nymph dubbing, color werewolf will be available again? Cannot find it at stores online. Thanks!!
Brandon, I sent you an email about this.
Thank you for your interest.
Not since the book Forgotten Flies has anything inspired me,captivated me,and fascinated me like your website.Thank you and all the great tyers that make this site.
Wow, that’s a huge compliment!
Thank you so much, I really appreciate that!
Hi, is there a way to subscribe to Frankenfly to get a weekly update of the article notifications through my email? Maybe there is already and I just can’t find it, thanks
Todd, I sent you an email about this.
If you have a mailing list add me to it.
I don’t have a mailing list. If you go to leave a comment, you will find a checkbox to subscribe to the blog however.
Pingback: Video: How to Tie the Bluegill Belly Bean - Orvis News
Great site Paul! Thanks for taking the time to put it together and making the tying info available. Some great patterns. I especially like the Bluegill Belly Bean since I’m always looking for panfish patterns. That’s one I haven’t seen before and I’m sure it’d do well. Love the legs.
Thank you Gene, I really appreciate that!
I’m glad you enjoy the website and thank you for the compliments on my Bluegill Belly Bean.
Paul, Found your Bluegill Belly Bean fly via Orvis and Tim Flagler’s exellent video. Great pattern ! I fished it yesterday and put some nice Bluegills and LMB in the net. It will be a fly box staple and I’m also tying them to fill Reel Recovery and Casting for Recovery fly boxes. I have a few photos to share if you give me a link to upload to ?
Thanks ! Mark
Mark, that’s awesome! I’m glad to hear this!
You can email me :
I wrote it this way so spammers won’t pick it up so easily.
Hi Paul
Really great site!
I love how varied the content is with regards to a single subject 🙂
thanks for the hard work & best wishes
Thank you David, I really appreciate that!
I am starting out Pike fly fishing and tying and notice a lot of Pike flies and poppers do not get tied with a weed guard… please help with any info I need to know pro or con.. and how and when to add a guard
Hi Daryl,
I think it depends on where you are fishing. Some people may not have to deal with the weeds too much and can get away with not adding a weed guard, which adds to extra time in tying the fly. But if you fish in an area where it will make a big difference, then it is worth the time to add that weed guard, so it isn’t getting hung up or dragging crap in all of the time.
I hope that helps.
Thank you it does help, I was wondering how to best keep care of large Pike flies after using them, They cost a lot to tie and take a bit of time to tie… just hang dry and comb out??
Looking forward to catching my first Pike on my home waters for the first time next spring and appreciate all the help I can get guys cheers
Yes, that would be a good way of taking care of them.
Once they dry, it really helps to brush them out. I just use a tooth brush.