Aimeé Kitching
Aimeé Kitching is an up and coming fly fisher and fly tyer from the UK. If you haven’t heard of Aimeé, this is your chance to get to know her. I hope you enjoy the interview and continue to follow Aimeé on her fly fishing journey.
Hi Aimee, can you give us some background on how you got into fly tying?
Hey Guys, So my fly tying was natural progression from fishing really.
I used to spend hours in tackle shops and online studying and choosing flies. Then one day I thought it would be great if I was able to copy these flies, make changes to them and come up with my own patterns.
Not really knowing where to start I bought myself a Veniard starter kit. I spent a few weeks experimenting, reading books and watching YouTube longing to be able to tie some of the amazing creations I’d seen.
A few weeks later I was back in my local tackle shop, Carlsons, where I came across a poster for a fly tying group (Lakeland Fly Dressers) offering lessons not far from me. I immediately signed up and the rest is history! I completed the 8 week beginners course and amazingly won the trophy. I then progressed on to the intermediate course and I am now 3 years down the line. I assist with teaching the beginners course. It’s great fun and it’s a great group of guys. I feel so lucky to have found a group that is so supportive and accepting.
Can you tell us about some of the places you fish? You don’t have to name them, but just explain if it is a river or lake and what type of fish you are fishing for.
I’m super lucky to live where I do in Lancashire UK, My local river is the River Lune, and there is a vast array of Stillwater’s, Reservoirs and Tarns all on my door step. I really am spoilt for choice! I mainly fish for trout, but I’ve also dabbled in some saltwater fishing too. My next challenge is going for some of those pesky pike!
Do you like to dry fly fish, nymphing, or throwing streamers to trout?
When I’m fishing I like to change things up, depending on what sort of day it is, the time of day and the conditions of the water.
There is no better feeling than a fish coming up to sip your dry fly, but I equally love stripping streamers back for that hard aggressive take, but I’m game for fishing any flies to try and trick those fish!
What are some of your favorite flies to fish?
Ahhh, this is such a tough question! I have so many different flies I love to fish! I love a decent Klinkhammer, CDC split wing, F-Fly, Quilled Nymph, Diawl Bach, black beetle, and you can’t beat a good old Damsel and some big fluffy snakes and fluff cats!
I always say if I could only fish 1 fly for the rest of my life it would be the Diawl Bach for sure!
I understand that you have an injured wrist right now and cannot fish. Are you working on starting to cast with your other hand?
Awww man , yeah my wrist is still pretty busted at the moment, up to now it’s been 13 weeks since I last went fishing. It’s so frustrating, fishing is literally my life, I live and breathe it, so to not be able to get out on the water is awful! I’m so cranky at the moment, I’m going mad without it.
However, I was tying at a show a few weeks back and Jeff from the Salmon & Trout Conservation spent some time with me working on my left handed casting. At first it was tough trying to get my arm to do what my brain was telling it, timing and positioning was well…out, but with practice it’s coming on slowly! Hopefully my right hand will be fixed soon, but being able to use the other hand is a great skill to have so I will persevere with it. You need to be very patient – it’s not as easy as you may think.
Did you have a mentor while learning to tie flies?
There has been so many people who have mentored me throughout my journey. I’d be here all night trying to list them, but the main person I’m so honored and privileged to have been mentored by is Mr. Paul Little, who in my eyes without a doubt is one of the best in the industry and chairman of my club.
Also Nick the owner of Deer Creek has been an awesome mentor too. Getting me going on the salmon, seatrout, pike and salty stuff.
Could you describe a couple of your go-to rigs for fly fishing? Fly rod, line, leader, reel, etc.
So for light fishing I like to use my 8ft 6″, 5wt Pink Casting For Recovery Sage rod, with matching reel.
For heavier fishing I like to use my 10ft, 7wt Helios 3F rod paired with my Orvis Hydros Reel.
I’m also loving the Daiwa Airity rod at the moment too, coupled with the Daiwa Lochmor Reel. For a low to mid range budget, it’s a great little set up.
My Favourite Fly lines are the Sunray range. These lines are class, I highly recommend them.
I also use Sunray tapered leaders as they are the only tapered leaders I have come across that don’t come out of the packet like a coiled spring, and aren’t stupidly shiny.
My go to Tippet material of choice is the Fulling Mill Flurocarbon.
What type of flies are you tying currently?
Recently, I’ve been concentrating on tying orders, so I’ve been tying a lot of stillwater stuff. Midges, PTN’s, Crunchers etc. At the show I recently tied at, I was tying Klinkhammers, Griffiths Gnats, Flash back nymphs and Midges.
What was one of your earliest flies you remember tying?
The first proper fly I ever tied where I was following a pattern and not just making it up as I go along, was the first night at the tying club I joined.
On the first night of the classes I learned to tie a Black Spider and a Partridge and Yellow. If I remember rightly, there was a lot of swearing that night due to constantly pulling the hackle out!
Have you designed any of your own flies?
Nope. Unfortunately not.
When it comes to fly tying, I’m a bit of a stiff. I like to follow patterns and I get really stroppy if I have to substitute materials or do it slightly differently.
I do often think about having a go at designing my own fly, but there’s so many flies out there, I’m sure no matter what I come up with, someone out there has probably already done it. But you never know, never say never, maybe one day.
Are your flies available for purchase?
They sure are, I have a website www.akflytying.com where you view and purchase my flies.
Not all the flies I tie have made it on there yet, it’s a long process so I do encourage people to use the contact page on the website, or message me on Facebook – Aimeé Kitching, or Instagram @aimeekitchingfishing if you would like something which you don’t see on the site.
Do you tie at any particular fly fishing shows?
I’m really lucky that my fly tying takes me all over tying at shows.
I tie at the British Fly Fair International, The London Fly Fishing Fair, The Scottish Fly Fair, many game and county fairs and also open days.
I’m super excited that this year I’ll be tying at the Irish Fly Fair in November too. It will be my first time at this show and I can’t wait.
Do you have any advice for new fly fishers out there?
Oooo I could go on forever with this one.
I think my main piece of advice is be patient. Fly Fishing and especially fly casting is no easy feat. Like any sport it takes time, and you’re not guaranteed to catch fish the first time, but don’t let this demoralize you. At the end of the day it’s fishing not catching. Yeah it’s great catching fish, but the best and most rewarding part is outsmarting the fish with your techniques, skills, and of course fly choice.
Never feel you can’t ask questions, ask people fishing around you, see how they do things, go to shows ask people there, read and watch things about fishing. The internet is a wonderful place with lots of information and ideas.
But most importantly HAVE FUN! Fishing is supposed to be fun. There’s too many people that take it too seriously! So what if you get caught in a tree. I’m forever catching those tree trout, we all do it! But we also learn from it, and that is the beauty about fishing and fly tying. We never stop learning and every fishing trip is an exciting new adventure!
Is there anything else you would like to add?
I’d like to say a huge thank you to Paul for this opportunity to collaborate with you, it’s been awesome. And if you would like to follow my journey further you can follow me on Facebook Aimeé Kitching and also Instagram @AimeeKitchingfishing