I thought I would take a moment to give all of you an update on what is going on lately with FrankenFly. I am working on some really cool new products, but I will get to that in a minute.
The fishing season for me has been kind of weird this year. The weather around here has been a lot of rain. It has blown out the main river I fish over and over again. However, something new I started doing this year, is Musky fishing. I’ve had many follows but no takers, but my buddy, Josh King caught a good one. Let me tell you, even when your buddy catches one of these awesome specimens, it gives you the fever! I’ll keep hunting for my own.

I have also went up to Michigan, as I do every year, and fished for trout. The weather was unseasonably cold up there and the wind was strong. I did manage to have a good day of fishing with my buddy, Chad Fath of CF River Products. We were throwing dry flies and there were caddis in groves, but even though we started the trip about 2:30pm, we didn’t really see any risers until the sun started to go down. Then a Sulphur hatch was happening, the trout were rising everywhere and we caught a lot of fish. We didn’t catch any monsters, but we caught a bunch of’em!

When I returned from Michigan, I picked a nice morning and went out to one of my favorite ponds and fished for some bluegill and largemouth bass. The bass were even acting strange and were not eating a whole lot. I did manage to catch a few and caught several bluegill. I used a fiberglass rod, the TFO Finesse Glass in a 4/5 weight and it was a really nice rod to use on the pond. I would highly recommend it.
So, besides fishing, I have been tying fly orders and working new products. The first new product I will be releasing is called Vampire Sheep Hair. If you think I had trouble gathering Werewolf Hair, this stuff is an entirely new type of challenge to obtain, haha. Ok, so really, Vampire Sheep Hair is really Icelandic Sheep hair and I blend in some thin flash. It’s going to be great to use on all of your streamers. You can use it for heads, bodies, and tails. If you are looking for something to fill out your body, even replace something like Arctic Fox, this stuff can do it. It is really nice stuff. You might have seen my Musky fly that I posted with the double barbell eyes. I’ve used it for that and it really keeps the body and profile of that fly even in the water. Vampire Sheep Hair is coming soon. I’ll post when it is ready for purchase.

Another product that should be coming soon, is FrankenFlash. This will be flash that you can use in all of your flies. Like most of my products, this flash is a bit different, but really high quality stuff. This is a fine-fiber synthetic material mixed with twisted fibers with sheen. It will add terrific sparkle and flash to your flies.
There are also a few other products in the works that I can’t say much about right now, but I think you will be surprised to see what is coming from FrankenFly in the future. I really appreciate all of you that continue to visit the FrankenFly website and purchase my flies and materials. Thank you all!
-Paul J. Beel