Materials list:
Hook: Standard Dry Fly
Thread: UTC 70
Tail: Dun Hackle fibers
Body: Reddish brown hackle stripped
Hackle: 2-3 dun dry fly hackles 3-4 times oversized
Materials list:
Hook: Standard Dry Fly
Thread: UTC 70
Tail: Dun Hackle fibers
Body: Reddish brown hackle stripped
Hackle: 2-3 dun dry fly hackles 3-4 times oversized
At this point, I would like to thank a very good friend and excellent fly tier , Paul Slaney, who gave me a lot of tips from his knowledge. I especially love the old school patterns. These patterns contain many of the basics that you can build upon.
I like to work with Calf Hair, Peacock and Deer Hair, because it is natural and can be processed very differently.
For me it is a good feeling when I can inspire other people. Because together everything is better and gives meaning to life.
Thank you Paul for your invitation to be on FrankenFly and I wish a good day to all.
Be sure to follow Jan on Instagram @jan.p72
I recently started to notice some beautifully tied flies posted by Son Tao. After seeing a friend from Indianapolis post that he was fishing with Tao, I was surprised to learn he was here in Indiana. I contacted him and below you can read a little about him. He has also been touched by Project Healing Waters, which is a fantastic organization that help vets. In a very short time, you can see by the photos, that Son has skills! Check out his work below!
From Son Tao:
“I’m 44 years old and currently live in Indianapolis, Indiana. I grew up in Pennsylvania but have bounced around for the past 16 years since I am active duty Army. My current rank is Master Sergeant.
I’ve been tying for 14 months now. I was first introduced to tying by a Korean War vet as a way to deal with post traumatic stress. I’ve been deployed 5 times and have seen some unimaginable horrors around the world. After dealing with numerous surgeries and the horrors of war, I was in a dark place. Fly tying provided me with an avenue to escape those memories. It relaxes my mind and focuses my attention in a positive way.
Other than that, I thoroughly enjoy tying classic patterns. I’m a history nerd and find the story behind Flies as interesting as fly fishing itself. So when I got started, I naturally was drawn to Catskill style dry flies.”
Stimulator with Elk wing
Fan Wing Ginger Quill
Lady Benson
Foam Back Humpy
Size 20 Griffith Gnats
Filed under Catskill, Classic, Dry Fly, nymphs, Trout flies
NOTE: I’ve had the honor of tying flies for Dette Trout Flies and Joe is a pleasure to work with. It’s awesome to be able to tie for a fly shop with so much history surrounding it.
Joe Fox of Dette Trout Flies in Roscoe, NY, demonstrates how he ties a classic Catskill style Red Quill dry fly.