Category Archives: Classic

Flies Around the Net – January 2018


Filed under Catskill, Classic, Deer Hair, Dry Fly, Intruders, nymphs, Realistic, Streamers, Trout flies

Classic Salmon Flies and the like

I wanted to show some love to the classic salmon fly tyers out there, so I took a trip around the Internet and put together a collection of great looking salmon flies. Some of these are classic, some are tyers tying freestyle. I hope you enjoy the salmon fly eye candy!

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Filed under Classic, Salmon

Chickadee – Fred Klein


This is a beautiful fly tied by Fred Klein and it has a beautiful story to go along with it. You might remember a post I did about Fred’s fly tying a few weeks back. If not, you can find it here. Anyway, I came upon this lovely fly while browsing Instagram the other day. When Fred posted this fly, he included a story about how this fly came about. It was about his father, who had recently passed away. His name was also, Fred Klein. So in memory of Fred, here is the brief story and recipe behind this fly, the Chickadee.

“My Dad recently asked me if there is a fly pattern named after the chickadee. A man that loved and lived in the woods, he was particularly fond of the wild song birds of winter.
After his passing last week, I walked outside and a friendly chickadee was singing on a tree branch, reminding me of our conversation. I thought that I would tie a fly named after his favorite.”

Materials list:

Tag: Gold Tinsel
Tail: White and Black Goose
Body: White Ostrich
Hackle: Wood Duck hackle
Wing: White and Black mallard

Fred Klein

Fred Klein

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Filed under Classic

Flies Around the Net – October 2017

I haven’t forgotten, here is Flies Around the Net for October! Enjoy the fly eye candy!


Filed under Classic, Deer Hair, Dry Fly, Foam, nymphs, Salmon, Soft Hackles, Streamers

The Fly Tying of Jan Popel

Jan Popel

Hello, I’m Jan, from Germany. It has almost been 3 years since I have been tying my own flies. Over time, a passion has developed. For me it is a kind of meditation which I pursue with a lot of heart.

At this point, I would like to thank a very good friend and excellent fly tier , Paul Slaney, who gave me a lot of tips from his knowledge. I especially love the old school patterns. These patterns contain many of the basics that you can build upon.

I like to work with Calf Hair, Peacock and Deer Hair, because it is natural and can be processed very differently.
For me it is a good feeling when I can inspire other people. Because together everything is better and gives meaning to life.

Thank you Paul for your invitation to be on FrankenFly and I wish a good day to all.

Be sure to follow Jan on Instagram @jan.p72


Filed under Catskill, Classic, Dry Fly, nymphs, Salmon

Babine Special

Greg Senyo tied a modern version of this classic steelhead fly and it caught my eye on Instagram. The classic was a steelhead, salmon egg pattern that was originally tied for use on the Babine River located in British Columbia. It was meant to resemble roe of spawning fish. The white wing was meant to mimic milt that has covered the eggs. From what I gather, it catches steelhead and salmon, just about anywhere.

Senyo’s Babine Special rendition

Materials listed by Greg:

cut 4x hook
Senyo wire
Ice Dub
Lateral Scale
Pearl Braid
Orange Chinese Hackle
8mm Tangerine Beads

classic Babine Special

Tied by Global Fly Fisher website:
Hook: #4 or #6
Thread: Black
Tail: White marabou
Body: 2 eggs made of orange/peach chenile and two sections of hackle. One being red and the other being white.

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Filed under Classic, Salmon, Steelhead

Admiring Matuka Streamers

This morning I was doing some work and Googling some websites when I ran across a couple of beautifully tied Matuka Streamers tied by Dave Flint. Dave hails from Massachusetts and is known for his Atlantic Salmon flies. It appears these two streamers were tied for the book Forgotten Flies.

I then hopped on YouTube and noticed that Davie McPhail just made a video on tying a Badger Matuka. So for some reason, the Matuka gods were speaking to me this morning. Since I do not want to anger the Matuka gods, I thought I would post the Matuka Streamers by Dave Flint first giving their recipes. Then below you will find Davie’s video where he explains how to tie one of these beauties. By the way, the Matuka style streamer originated in New Zealand.

tied by Dave Flint

Materials list:
No hook given. I think a Mustad R74-9672 or similar in a size 8 would work well.
Rib: Medium oval gold tinsel
Body: Olive chenille or wool
Wing: Four dyed olive rooster or hen saddle hackles
Collar: Olive, as collar

tied by Dave Flint

Materials list:
No hook given. I think a Mustad R74-9672 or similar in a size 8 would work well.
Body: Flat silver tinsel
Rib: Oval silver tinsel
Wing/tail: Bittern wings feather or badger hackle
Collar: Badger hackle

Materials list:
Hook: Classic Lure Size 8
Thread: Uni-8/0 Black
Rib: Oval Silver Tinsel
Body: Black Chenille
Wing: Badger Hen or Cock Hackle, Badger Hen

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Filed under Classic, Streamers

The Fly Tying of Fred Klein

Grizzly King Bucktail Streamer

My name is Fred Klein, I am from Pennsylvania and started tying flies over 40 years ago with my mother’s wooden clothes pin and sketches from library books.

My family moved to an old farmhouse in the woods with a spring stream and cold pond full of brook trout. My first fly rod was a gift when I was ten years old over 40 years ago. What a gift that was! I started tying flies using a wooden clothes pin as a vice from library book sketches. We had several trout streams near home including the Schuylkill River (Dutch for Hidden River) as well as the Appalachian Mountains.

Being drawn to the wilderness I have pursued wild brown and brook trout with the fly. The beauty and artistry of the old flies as well as fishing with very old fly rods has been my passion.

Tying flies from painted plates from classic books such as Mary Orvis Marbury’s Favorite Flies’1892, and Ray Bergman’s Trout ‘1938 has been a captivating artistic endeavor bringing the beautiful, colorful flies from the golden days of fly fishing alive.

These old patterns are still as functional on the streams and rivers today as they were centuries ago. I have broken away from following the popular styles of today’s fly tying and fishing to pursue trout with the tools of yesterday.

If you want to see more of Fred’s flies and keep up on his latest, follow him on Instagram @haresear100

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Filed under Classic, Hairwings