Category Archives: Classic

Duffing’s Night Caddis

Duffings Night Caddis

I wanted to post a fly from my old buddy, Tom Deschaine’s website Tom passed away about a year ago, but he did a lot of work trying to track down information and recipes from old Michigan dry fly patterns. He is one of the major sources I’ve used when tying some of the Michigan Classics I tie.

This particular fly is Duffing’s Night Caddis designed by Harry (Henry) Duffing of Baldwin, Michigan back in the 50s. It always struck me as a very beautiful pattern and could stand up with the rest of the patterns available in the 1950s. Tom recommended to Flexament the wings to make them more durable. The wings may also be tied upright and divided. The egg sack in the back could be tied in either gray or yellow.

All Tom found out about Mr. Duffing is that he owned a barber shop in Baldwin, Michigan and was an amateur tier who specialized in heavily hackled flies. I would say for an amateur tier, he sure designed a beauty here!

This fly was created to be fished at night for the Hexagenia hatch. It is recommended to use dry fly powder floatant or liquid floatant to keep old flies like this afloat.

Recipe is as follows:

Hook: Mustad #79580 Size: 6-8 4XL
Thread: Black or Brown, 6/0
Tail: Two Pheasant Tail Fibers, tied in a “vee”.
Body: Gray Wool Yarn
Rib: Gold Tinsel and Palmered Brown Hackle.
Wing: Gray Mallard Wing Segments, tied upright & divided.
Hackle: Brown

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Filed under Classic, Michigan

Classic Salmon flies from here and there

Feast your eyes on these beauties!

tied by Brian Williams

tied by Brian Williams

Bent Arild Mathiesen‎

tied by Bent Arild Mathiesen‎

tied by Christophe Chadeau

tied by Christophe Chadeau

tied by Junji Ichimura

tied by Junji Ichimura

tied by Klaus Woggon

tied by Klaus Woggon

married wings by Robert Delisle

married wings by Robert Delisle

Owenmore tied by James F Goggans

Owenmore tied by James F Goggans

tied by Ryan Houston

tied by Ryan Houston

tied by Stuart Hardy

tied by Stuart Hardy

tied by Yasuhiro Ogasawara

tied by Yasuhiro Ogasawara

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Filed under Classic, Salmon

Flies Around the Net – December 2015

I’m a little late posting Flies Around the Net, but better late than never I guess. The holidays were a little hectic, so I apologize for the late post. I hope you enjoy!

Curtis Fry

tied by Curtis Fry

tied by David Hise

tied by David Hise

tied by Mark Angus

tied by Mark Angus

tied by Gunnar Brammer

tied by Gunnar Brammer

tied by Looper Flies

tied by Looper Flies

tied by Matt Rowland

tied by Matt Rowland

tied by Allan Kuhlmann

tied by Allan Kuhlmann

tied by Jonathan Kiley

tied by Jonathan Kiley

tied by Miroslaw Senderski

tied by Miroslaw Senderski

tied by Matt Ebbers

tied by Matt Ebbers

tied by Michael Schmidt

tied by Michael Schmidt

tied by Steve Silverio

tied by Steve Silverio

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Filed under Classic, Deer Hair, Mike Schmidt, nymphs, Poppers, Realistic, Soft Hackles, Streamers, Trout flies

Classic Green Drake

The Classic Green Drake has been a popular Green Drake imitation for many years. The Classic Green Drake is tied in the classic dry fly fashion. Olive Grizzly hackle imitates the natural color variations of the Green Drake Mayfly. A must have pattern for any angler traveling to the West!

Classic Green Drake Recipe:
Hook: #08-12 Tiemco 100
Thread: Olive UNI 6/0
Tail: Moose Body Hair
Body: Olive Superfine Dubbing
Ribbing: Tan UniFlexx
Wings: Gray Deer Hair
Hackle: Grizzly Olive Whiting Rooster Cape

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Filed under Classic, Trout flies

Flies Around the Net – November 2015

tied by Bojan Novakovic

tied by Bojan Novakovic

tied by Eli Berant - photo by Chris Willen. Chewed by a Muskie.

tied by Eli Berant – photo by Chris Willen. Chewed by a Muskie.

tied by Francisco Muela Santos

tied by Francisco Muela Santos

tied by Jack Fields

tied by Jack Fields

tied by Javier Peña

tied by Javier Peña

tied by Johan Nygren

tied by Johan Nygren

tied by Kelvin Leenheer

tied by Kelvin Leenheer

tied by Klas Erik Love Andersson

tied by Klas Erik Love Andersson

tied by Paul J. Beel

tied by Paul J. Beel

tied by Roy-Tore Gjertsen

tied by Roy-Tore Gjertsen

tied by Thomas Roos

tied by Thomas Roos

tied by Gunnar Brammer

tied by Gunnar Brammer

tied by Zane Porter

tied by Zane Porter

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Filed under Classic, Muskie, nymphs, Pike, Realistic, Streamers, Trout flies

Universal Vise Corp. Rotating Fly Tying Vises

ClassicFlyTyer on Youtube gives us some good information about the old vise company, Universal Vise Corp. There were several famous fly tiers who used these vises. I’ve researched these vises in the past and found this very interesting. Give it a listen.


Filed under Classic, Product Review

Flies Around the Net – October

Daniel Seaman

tied by Daniel Seaman

Brandon Bailes

tied by Brandon Bailes

Ben Lupton

tied by Ben Lupton

Sex Dungeon tied by Gunnar Brammer

Sex Dungeon tied by Gunnar Brammer

tied by Kjell-Ove Karlsen

tied by Kjell-Ove Karlsen

Devil Dancer tied by Matt Grajewski

Devil Dancer tied by Matt Grajewski

tied by Micke Sash-up Anderson

tied by Micke Sash-up Anderson

Gray Wulff tied by Miroslaw Senderski

Gray Wulff tied by Miroslaw Senderski

Black Ghost tied by Paul Slaney

Black Ghost tied by Paul Slaney

tied by Paul J. Beel

tied by Paul J. Beel

Ginger Quill - Roberto Brenda

Ginger Quill – Roberto Brenda

Caddis Pupa tied by William Ensiferum

Caddis Pupa tied by William Ensiferum

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Filed under Catskill, Classic, Deer Hair, Pike, Salmon, Streamers

Deer Fly – Bob Smock

Deer Fly - tied by Bob Smock

Deer Fly – tied by Bob Smock

Materials list:
Hook: Mustad #94840 Size: 10, 12, 14, 16
Thread: Black, 6/0
Body: Peacock Herl
Wing: Grizzly Hen Hackle Tips, tied
down wing, delta style.
Hackle: Grizzly

Bob Smock (1927-2005) was an accomplished fly tyer from Grayling, Michigan. His mentor and fly tying teacher was Clarence Roberts. This fly was probably created by Bob between 1981 and 1986, when Bob owned the “Old Au Sable Sporting Goods” shop in Grayling, Michigan.   This fly was designed to imitate a deer fly.  It should be fished under cedar trees and under bridges, or any time deer flies are present. It could probably just as easily imitate a horse fly tied in larger sizes.

Bob designed another fly pattern that is much more popular named Smock’s Sulphur Dun.

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Filed under Classic, Michigan, Trout flies