New Fly Tying Contest hosted by Flymen Fishing Company, see Flymen’s information below!
Show Us What You’ve Got!
We’ve seen more and more photos on social media of amazing flies tied by fly tyers like you.
The flies we’ve seen are just the tip of the iceberg, so we’re holding a fly tying contest on Instagram to help you show off your patterns to the world and give you the chance to win grand prizes from Flymen Fishing Co., Howler Brothers, Rep Your Water, Loon Outdoors, Kona Fishing Products, Hareline Dubbin, Taylor Fly Fishing, and Cortland Line.
It’s Easy to Enter – Tie a Fly and Snap a Picture
- Tie a fly that integrates a Flymen fly tying material (Fish-Skull®, Nymph-Head®, or Surface Seducer®) and take a photo of it.
- Post the photo on Instagram, list the Flymen material(s) you used, tag @flymenfishingco, @howlerbros, @repyourwater, @loonoutdoors, @konafishing, @harelinedubbin, @taylorflyfishing, and @cortlandline in your post (make sure you’re following all of us!), and hashtag #FlymenFlyTyingFreeForAll2019.
6 Weekly Winners
The Flymen team will vote to choose 1 weekly winner for 6 weeks. Winners will be announced on the Friday of each week, starting Friday, April 19th.
The criteria for winning can be anything from realism to creativity, so go crazy with your design. Streamers, nymphs, and foam flies are all welcome. We love seeing innovative ideas.
Entries are eligible to win through the duration of the contest, meaning a photo you post on the first week could be a winner on the last week.
I posted some fly photos before the contest started… Can I enter them in the contest?
Photos from the past can be entered in the contest, BUT they must be re-posted (simply adding the hashtag on a photo from 3 months ago doesn’t count).
The Final Round
At the end of the 6 weeks, we will re-post the 6 winning flies on a webpage for a voting period.
After the voting period, the prizes will be awarded to the fly tyers in order based on how many votes they received.
Everyone who votes in the final round will be entered into a sweepstakes to have the chance to win the same 6 prizes as the fly tyers! So even if you don’t win a prize in the contest, you may walk away with a great prize pack just from voting!
Learn More at the Flymen Fishing Company website blog.