So if you have been looking at some streamers lately, you might have noticed some tyers have been using some very cool looking eyes. Maybe a fly tying video or a post on Instagram might have some puzzle piece eyes or some angry looking wicked cool eyes. Well, Matt Pelletier of Dead Meat Customs is the man behind this. I ordered some new eyes from Matt myself and they are of excellent quality! I just ordered more because I have a new articulated streamer design where I used them and they are definitely the eyes I want to use. Here are a few questions I threw at Matt so we can all become more familiar with him and Dead Meat Customs. I hope you enjoy!
How did you get into fly fishing?
My Grandpa gave me a mismatched rod and reel that I managed to catch a couple fish on. I always fished conventional gear, even do my fare share of ice fishing out here. I used to say, “if it has fins and swims, I’m in”. I guess you could say the same for methods of targeting fish too. It’s nice to be able to know what to do with a fly rod to catch fish on a tailwater vs a freestone river; as well as how to work a variety of muskie baits or ice fish with micro jigs when the itch needs scratching.
What made you get into making eyes for lures and fly tying?
I have always messed with graphic design projects over the years and one day I just wanted to make an eye with the Zia symbol from our state flag cause I thought it would look cool on the flies I was tying for muskies. Later I started building and needed them for my baits also so I kept making them over the years.
If not explained in the previous question, how did you learn to make the eyes that you create?
A need and a means paved the path. Trial and tribulations…I started by using a hammer and a leather punch and just destroying nearly everything I touched as well as making my boxer “Damsel” mad at me for making such a ruckus. Since I’ve tweaked my approach greatly and the best way to describe the tasks along the way is “process meticulous”.
Can you tell us more about your business Dead Meat Customs?
One day while on the water testing out one of the baits I had recently made I accidentally came up with the name. I made a short cast to test a bait I had just made and loved the action! My response was, that things “Dead Meat”! Right away I told my buddy, “hey that sounds cool, if I ever do anything with these I’ll name the brand Dead Meat Customs or something.” Fast forward and during the late spring of 2018 a friend that knew I made eyes reached out to me to buy some for baits he was making for a show. Apparently his distributor was having issues at the time and he needed something fast. I made them for him. He shared them on some awesomely painted baits and it just snowballed from there. It’s been a wild and humbling experience to say the least.
Do you have any plans of expanding Dead Meat Customs or are you happy with the way it is now?
I’m happy with the lane I’m in right now but always have tricks up my sleeve. For instance, I’m making new designs on a weekly basis and post regularly. I also have expanded recently and released the Madtown series which is an angry shaped eye rather than a round eye and those have been a huge hit! They give flies and lures a totally different attitude, it’s wicked.

Puzzle Pieces
Can you tell us about your campaign and contest for autism?
It’s a painting/creative concept type of contest. Hence, Autism Awareness Creative Concept Contest. Basically I created a specific autism awareness eye and shipped them out to anyone who requested a pair from November through February. Over 130 people requested eyes for the contest. I am not sure all those people will enter the contest but they all got eyes. Once all entries are in (deadline March 31st) we will vote for the winning entries based on creativity, difficulty, and quality. The first, second and third place winners will get a wicked prize pack I’ve gathered from the awesome sponsors of this projects contest. Sponsors are: Hareline Dubbin, Badger Airbrushes, Createx Colors, TrueCoat Epoxy, Brother Hood Bait Sealer, Stealth Tackle, The Musky Shop, Grants Custom Creations, and Moore’s Lure Parts.
After the contest is over then the fundraiser will go full throttle. Some of the contestants are donating the baits they enter and we will have a variety of raffles and auctions with them. A variety of flies were tied by some of the most talented and passionate dudes in the industry. The flies will be a separate fundraiser held on the DMC page but proceeds from ALL fundraisers go directly to the Abrazos Family Support Services ABA program here in New Mexico. Wait till you see the flies Pat Cohen, Jeff Rowley, Brian Wise, Svend Svendson, Dave Buduen, Jean Torres and others have twisted up for this cause!
Since getting into the fly tying and fly fishing culture, what do you think of the community?
Oh man I’m not going down that road! lol… Anglers in general are absolutely crazy, myself included. But overall the fly fishing community as is the rest of the fishing communities I’m familiar with: are awesome. It’s full of passionate, stewards and smart individuals that are always willing to work for the resources or give back anyway they can. They are willing to pass down things they’ve learned to upcoming anglers so the new blood gets hooked early. I try hard to ignore the crazy and focus on the positive but I will say that with great passion comes pain and even a little crazy. My two mottos I try to follow these days; “Get Bites Not Likes and “Get Follows Not Followers”. It just means “fish for the right reason” if ya know what I mean.
What are some of your favorite eye designs you have came up with?
Oh too many to mention but It’s almost always the newest one. Some favorites are Tigers Blood, Blue Broken Pupil is sick, the new crackle series is insane, and Rasta Frog which passes well for a fish eye when the pupil is horizontal.
What are some of your best sellers?
Customs, Tigers Blood, Smallie, Gold Perch are eyes I make during nearly every single batch.
What sizes of eyes do you make?
Do you have a favorite species of fish you like to fish for?
TIGER MUSKIES! June 10 2006 I caught my first one. I couldn’t tell you the first day I fished or caught any species other than that.
How can people contact you if they are interested in ordering?
Social media really is the best way. I take orders in messenger on Facebook or Instagram. The website is a work in progress but I hope to finish it this summer. However I do not plan on taking orders there. I am trying to keep this so that I speak with every customer personally. Making custom eyes so often it really is necessary to communicate back and forth. Especially during the design process. I also don’t like being paid before the work is done.
You can find Dead Meat Customs on Instagram at
You can find them on Facebook at