tied by Son Tao
Son Tao tied up this super slick Stimulator using FrankenDUB Nymph Dubbing for the body.
Son had this to say about buggy bodies on Stimulators.
“Buggy bodies trap more air bubbles to help floatation. I normally forego the buggy bodies and use heavy hackle wraps instead.”
However, he decided to use FrankenDUB on this body and I think it came out looking awesome! Here is what Son recommends when using this buggy dubbing on a Stimi.
“I used the split thread method to dub it. That way, I got the dubbing spun nice and tight. Brushed it out and then trimmed.”
Materials list:
Hook: Ahrex 531
Tail and Wing: Elk
Underwing: Midge crystal flash
Body: Frankenfly Nymph Dubbing (dark olive) blended with SLF. With long fibers trimmed
Body hackle: Whiting grizzly variant
Thorax: Whiting cree