The monies in this campaign are to expand/continue production on the following products:
Find out more details at this link:
1. The Predator Fly Tying Vise (“Predator”). The Predator is taller, stronger, and more beefy than any other vise on the market. Aesthetically, it is different than any other vise on the market and is very eye catching compared to its competitors. Some have described it as an industrial sculpture. In other words, not only is it stronger and more substantial, it looks stronger and more substantial. The Predator comes standard with many new exciting, innovative, features and fills existing voids in fly tying that tyers have wanted (either consciously or subconsciously) for years. The typical reaction when the vise is demoed is “why has no one else done this yet?”
Hook range for the vise is from a small #28 to a large #6/0.
The Predator comes standard with the following features a. through e.:
a. 12 inch tall/ fully adjustable height: unlike most fly tying vises, the Predator stands much taller than the majority of its competitors, putting the fly closer to the tyer’s eye level without having to place things underneath the vise to get it to eye level. Furthermore, unlike most of our competitors, the height is easily adjustable for the tyer’s preference.
b. 5/8 inch post: The Predator utilizes a 5/8 inch post, for weight and strength. The Predator is not just a vise, it is also a platform, which will allow for the addition of multiple attachments, including the Back Snatch, which comes as a standard with the Predator. Other attachments (which may be purchased separately) already in production include the Flex Arm Pro Tyer Light and the Flex Arm Smart Phone Profiler/Magnifier. A vacuum attachment that will catch trimmings as they fall and will vacuum up toxic fumes from adhesives while the tyer ties, is in the works. Force Fly Fishing intends to continue to develop other ground-breaking attachments, which may be added to the Predator.
c. Centerlines- After “true rotary” which is sold for the ability to spin the hook on a horizontal axis, no other vise company has addressed how to control centering the plane of the hook. Our centerlines (every 90 degrees with added angle marks between them) allows the user to tie in wings, eyes, wing cases, etc. in a properly aligned position, giving the tyer confidence in the accuracy of the alignment of the fly. This is extremely important for those tying flies professionally for sale in shops.As well as the hobbyist tyer No other company has used centerlines.
d. Back Snatch: The Back Snatch Flex Arm is basically a third hand/arm, providing the tyer with another hand to assist in dealing with unruly material. Every tyer wishes they had more hands. It also acts as a gallows tool also for tying parachute styled flies. Other than gallows tools, no other company has developed anything like the Back Snatch. The Back Snatch is extremely flexible, yet sturdy, and can be adjusted many different ways. It also accommodates other uses such as a bobbin rest.
e. Work Caddy: The base of the vise is a work caddy, as opposed to simply a platform, which the post attaches to. Most vise bases are simply that… a base, which has no other purpose than being something to attach the vise post to. These traditional bases take up crucial space on the tyer’s bench. The Predator’s base functions simultaneously as a solid platform to attach the vise post to and as a work/tool caddy, providing a convenient place for the fly tyer”s tools to be easily picked up , and put back down during tying. Few, if any, vises have any sort of work caddy built into the vise. Other companies have developed caddys for storage of tools, thread, etc. but they are not attached to the vise. So, the tyer has to reach further to find necessary tools and tying materials, which can be a nuisance when tying detailed flies where time is of the essence (because glue is being used or materials are being held in place) and mistakes are easily made when the tyer must search around for necessary materials. Here, the tools and materials are at the tyers finger tips because they are contained in a work caddy attached to the vise. The only other company to date that we have found that has a built-in stock work caddy is the vise made by Stonefo (an Italian company). Our work caddy is superior because it is much larger and less confined, allowing for space for larger tools, glues, and other materials. This feature adds to the user-friendliness of the Predator, alleviating the need for extra work caddys and saving critical space. We are also in the process of developing another work caddy that attaches to the vise, which will be sold separately. Although this is a beefy, innovative, feature-filled vise, we are trying to keep the price reasonable.
2. Flex Arm Pro Tyer Light (“Pro Tyer Light”): The Pro Tyer Light is another step forward toward the future of fly tying. This fully adjustable LED light with dimmer switch, is the perfect adjustable lumination for fly tying, brightening your fly tying experience.
3. Flex Arm Smart Phone Profiler/Camera Attachment/Magnifier (“Profiler”): Attach your smart phone to this flex arm attachment & download a free app, which will allow you to choose any color in the spectrum & brightness for a profiler that will help save your eyesight & do the job a profiler should do. Added bonus, spin your phone around, turn on camera and magnify your fly/zoom in on your fly to any extent your phone will allow. Turn a #32 hook into the size of the screen of your phone. Imagine that! This attachment also allows you to watch or make instructional videos (or whatever else floats your boat), while you tie.
Size Comparison