I wanted to show some love to the classic salmon fly tyers out there, so I took a trip around the Internet and put together a collection of great looking salmon flies. Some of these are classic, some are tyers tying freestyle. I hope you enjoy the salmon fly eye candy!
- tied by Charlie Chute
- tied by Daniel Duval
- tied by Dave Tucker
- tied by Edward Muzeroll
- tied by Hiroyuki Isoura
- tied by James F. Goggans
- tied by Jeff Dickey
- tied by Jeff Dickey
- tied by Jon Kopczyk
- tied by Jon Kopczyk
- tied by Kenneth Andersen
- tied by Kenneth Andersen
- tied by Lloyd Lutes
- tied by Otto Blomqvist
- tied by Pasi Kettunen
- tied by Pasi Kettunen
- tied by Sébastien St-Jean
- tied by Stefano Du Prè
- tied by Stuart Hardy
- tied by Yuji Wabe
Truly works of art. Merry Christmas