Flat Wing tying with Brita Fordice

Brita has been doing live fly tying on her Instagram lately and several days ago she was tying a flat wing. She is a master at this and if you want to get into flat wing tying, this is great! If you have never seen a flat wing swim, I urge you to research and dive into these a bit, they are fantastic streamers.
To follow Brita on Instagram she is @seafly907.


Filed under Streamers

2 Responses to Flat Wing tying with Brita Fordice

  1. Fred Lord

    Where does she bye her saddles?
    Also what brand dye doe she use on her saddles?

  2. Brita Fordice

    I use Keough saddles for most of my flatwings since we don’t need super long baitfish in the PNW estuaries, but I have some long RLS saddles that I use for the striper and GT flies. I would look for Keough rooster saddles for great all around saddles.