I have accepted an invitation to fish the Lower Mountain Fork River, near Broken Bow, OK. In preparation to fish the March Brown hatch which normally occurs, depending on the weather, the last week in February or early March, I have been at my vise working on a realistic representation of the March Brown nymph using the HMG Fly Systems hot melt glue process. The March Brown nymph is found in many areas throughout the United States and as a result lives in many different types of water chemistry. Therefore, the nymph is found having various different colors and markings. Having fished the Lower Mountain Fork on previous trips, I was able to observe some of the bug life and found the March Brown nymph there is dark brown with a slight green tint or a more olive color. I also believe it is one size smaller than its cousins in other areas around the country. After a couple of unacceptable attempts, I was able to come up with a reasonable facsimile of this nymph. It appears a difficult tie, but the reality is that it is much easier than you might think! The legs are the most difficult step and do add to the overall time required to complete the tie. See more patterns at http://hmgflysystems.com
Hook…2302 size 14
Bead…Tungsten 3/32
Thread…Veevus 12/0
Gills…Ostrich clipped
Body…HMG hot melt glue hi-temp
Thorax…HMG hot melt glue hi-temp
Head…Bead covered with HMG hot melt glue
Legs…Turkey Tail barbs coated with hot melt glue
Eyes…HMG hot melt glue hi-temp

For comparison, a real March Brown Nymph