Here are three more patterns from Michigan fly tyer Mark Lord.
Tail: yearling elk
Body: deer hair dyed wine color
Thread: 6/0 gray
Wing Post: dun calf body hair
Hackle: grizzly
Hook: Orvis 1523 size 12 standard dry fly
Note: Mark wanted me to mention that he was not the designer of this particular fly. A guide came in to Streamside Orvis when Mark worked there and asked if he could enhance a normal yellow skunk. So Mark along with the owner of the shop put their heads together and added materials to make this version.
Tail: red calftail clipped
Body: yellow tinsel chenille (WAPSI)
Thread: 6/0 yellow
Underwing: gold krystal flash
Wing: deer hair
Legs: medium white rubber
Hook: Orvis 1638 2XL dry 10/12
A spin on Roberts Yellow Drake
Hook: standard dry fly
Thread: 6/0 black
Tail: Pheasant Tail Fibers, 3-4.
Wing: White Deer Belly Hair, tied
Body: Light Tan Deer Hair, tied
parallel to the hook shank and
flared at the tail. Body should
be tied slender.
Rib: Crisscrossed thread.
Hackle: Ginger or grizzly