I have since my youth loved fishing, but I became a fisherman when I discovered fly fishing. My life as a fly fisherman started with tying flies, tried to fish with the fly for the first time in the summer of 2005, thought it was interesting but nothing more happened than that. During the Christmas holidays 2005 and 2006 I visited a fishing store and they had a beginners kit on sale, felt kind of bored at the moment and thought I could give it a go. Discovered that tying flies was a great recreation, tying flies made me calm and I found it to be a great way to empty heavy thoughts gathered at work.
After a while I felt ready to give the more advanced tying a chance, found that I really loved the traditional patterns, especially the early American dry flies, the so called “Catskill style dry flies”. Another genre that has caught my attention is the English “North Country flies”. Basically I love everything traditionally, I read an article once that caught my Intrest, the headline was the flyfishers club of Londons mantra “There is more to fishing than catching fish”….Those words says it all.
I have tied flies at several fairs here in Sweden, also tied abroad, once at The International Tying symposium in Newark and several times at the British International Flyfair. At these events I have meet loads people who have Inspired me, people like Dave Brandt, Mike Valla and a few who really have helped me out and that I nowadays call my friends Ted Patlen and Joe Bonasera.

Quill Gordon
My absolute favourite Catskill dry is Theodore Gordons Quill Gordon, this is one both lovely to lay your eyes on and a killer fly in your box. My number two fly is Art Flicks Red Quill a fly that tie more than I fish, it´s simply so beautifull Ijust have to tie now and then. Third and probably the fly I use the most, Grey Fox Variant, both stunning looks and a great fish catcher. I have also made a Catskill Style dr on my own, a tribute to one of the greatest of them all, Mary Dette, I simply call the fly The Mary Dette. It´s not an imitation of anything, more of a freestylefly created for looks. I used materials from one of Mary´s favourite ties, The Coffin Fly.

Red Quill

Grey Fox Variant

Mary Dette
When I tie my flies It never about producing, well off course a night before a fishing session, but mainly it a way of recreation and to create something that I will be really satisfied with. The Catskill style dry flies suits this urge perfectly, as they are appealing for both the fisherman and the fish´s eyes.
When I don’t tie flies I do my best with inspiring my staff to sell used cars. I live in Uppsala north of Stockholm, there I live in a house with my fiancé, two kids, a dog and yes… I do drive a Volvo station wagon.
Niklas Dahlin