Southern Culture On the Fly – #32

Issue #32 of Southern Culture On the Fly magazine is live, so check it out!

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Harrop’s CDC Ant – North 40 Fly Shop

From North 40 Fly Shop:
“Ants are one of my favorite summer dry flies to fish. The CDC Ant is a simple, yet effective fly pattern. I often tag an ant behind a Chubby Chernobyl or a hopper pattern, giving the fish a choice in sizes. Often, shy fish will choose the smaller ant pattern. The ant is tied with light materials, giving it a delicate presentation when casting to wary trout.”

Materials list:

Hook: TMC2488H #14
Thread: Danville 70 Denier Rust
Dubbing” Nature’s Spirit Fleece Dubbing
Wing: Nature’s Spirit Natural Mallard CDC
Hackle: Whiting PRO Grade Ginger

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Wight’s Mackerel Fly

Nate Wight was recently visiting All Points Fly Shop located in South Portland, Maine, and they made this video of Nate tying his mackerel fly. This fly uses a combination of natural and synthetic materials. According to All Points Fly Shop this pattern is a great representation of the mackerel that is plentiful in New England and is a big food source for striped bass and bluefish.

You can follow Nate on Instagram here:

Materials list:
Hook: 3/0 CS86 Partridge
Thread : Veevus 100d gelspun
Tail: white buck-tail with lat scale and Flashabou pearl. 2-4 long white saddle feathers.
Maine body: two stacks of white buck-tail. The second stack has more flashabou and lat scale with two green grizzly saddles tied in on top. The head is a mixture or fluorescent blue and green buck-tail with two blue grizzly saddle hackles on top. Grey American-Tied Flies magnum dubbing on top, tan magnum on bottom. 10mm living eyes from Flymen Fishing. Black marker for accents.

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Filed under Saltwater, Streamers

Vampire Sheep Hair – Now available!

When I released Werewolf Hair last year, I had many tyers asking if it included Icelandic Sheep Hair. I would say ‘no’ and explain what type of material it was. So it was easy for me to realize what I needed to do for my next product.

Vampire Sheep Hair is a blend of Icelandic Sheep Hair and very fine mylar flash to add sparkle. It is an excellent material to use on streamers. And, many tyers really like to use it to make baitfish patterns. It can now be purchased at J.Stockard Fly Fishing.

The material is very soft and easy to tie with. You can add bulk to a fly without adding much weight and it holds its shape in the water, which provides a great profile. The movement of Vampire Sheep Hair in the water is as good or better than bucktail or marabou and it includes flash that is very attractive to the fish. If you have spaces that need filling within the design of your streamer, this material fills the gap very nicely. You can use it on tails, wings, and heads. It is very versatile.

I have recently designed a new articulated streamer and have been running it through tests in the water. I include Vampire Sheep Hair in this streamer to add fullness and movement, it does the job perfectly.

The second you take Vampire Hair out of the package you can see and feel how wonderful this material really is. So if you are a streamer fanatic like me or you want to tie your own streamer patterns, I think you will be able to make great use of Vampire Sheep Hair.

-Paul Beel – FrankenFly

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Filed under FrankenFly, New Product

JP Dazzler – Bob Clouser

Bob Clouser, just yesterday, posted photos of Jungle Tarpon he caught using a fly he called the JP Dazzler. Many comments and questions were posted and Bob decided to make another post explaining a bit more about the JP Dazzler. Here is his post.

“Getting questions, what is a JP Dazzler? My Web Master and fly fishing friend, Jackie Prock and I, sat down at the fly tying desk and created this tying style of simplicity. Medium size, a few materials that are easy to get and weighted to portray the many movements of injured and escaping bait fish and fish bait. Fly includes, Gliss and Glow, neck hackles, eyes and Pearl Chenille can be tied on a variety of hooks and with various color combinations. The JP Dazzler.”

Bob also mentioned you can use any standard hook, you don’t need to use circle hooks. He was using circle hooks because he felt he needed them to better pierce a tarpon’s mouth. The particular hook shown in the photos are Mustad Demon EXfine wire 1/0 and 1s for the baby tarpon.

Also, he also commented in another post that the fly is about 2 inches in length. To make the recipe a bit clearer, I will list it here.

JP Dazzler Recipe:
Hook: 1/0 or 1 (standard or circle)
Flash tail: short Gliss and Glow or Flash of some kind
Tail: Neck hackles (4 on each side. Tied in Deceiver style.)
Body: wrapped hackle
Head: Pearl Chenille
Eyes: XSmall Lead eyes

Bob said these flies will go on sale on his website soon. So if you would like to purchase some from Bob, stay tuned and visit his website at

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Filed under Streamers

EZ Jelly Bean Zonker

A couple of weeks ago I posted about the Jelly Bean Zonker designed by Holger Lachmann. Well, recently Svend Diesel has dived into tying these and made a fly tying video on the way he does it. So check it out!

From Erik Svendsen:
“About 6 Months back, I saw Holger Lachmann of, start posting these awesome Zonker type flies utilizing UV resin in many colors and adding glitter and other awesome attributes to a fly making it so unique I had to attempt it.

After my first several attempts, shaping the body and adding glitter, I saw this E Z body material in a fly shop and after consulting with Helixguides, decided that I would try using the Body material to shape the minnow and then cover it in the UV resin to increase the durability and show the unique properties of the body. It is nothing new to use the minnow body material for these type of bait fish flies, but by adding the rabbit material i think it makes it a wicked awesome treat for any fish eyeing a nice protein meal.

The color of all these materials can make any combination or pattern that one is trying to imitate. I tend to keep the body more tubular, which using the E Z body material makes it easy, or you can get more fancy and create segment sections and more detailed profile or simply bypass the body material and do them as Holger does. I find that the tungsten beads placed towards the eyes on the underside of the shank to be very important in one helping to keel the hook properly and secondly to allow it to sort of dive on the strip rests like a wounded minnow.

Tie some up and fish them and have some fun at the vise with it.”

Materials list:
Hook: #ahrexhooks TP610 size 2/0 to 6
Thread: #semperfliflytying nano silk 12/0
Rabbit: Magnum cut strips for 2/0 to 2 size hooks, regular Strips fro size 2 – 6 size hooks
Underbody: E Z body Tubing, Mylar Tubing, Minnow Body etc.
Body: #semperfliflytying UV no Tack Resin
Eyes: Fit to preference and color
Beads: 2-3 tungsten beads on underside of shank to help keel the hook and cause it to dive down
Mono: 30lb mono to hold beads and also prevent fouling on the tail

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Filed under Streamers

Filo Bugger – Phil Rowley

From Phil:
I love stillwater patterns that move and breathe in the water. Mobile patterns suggest life and trout find them hard to resist. Aftershaft or filoplume feathers to some are one of my favorite soft mobile materials. These feathers work great for bodies on leeches, dragon nymphs, and minnows as well as thoraxes on damselfly and mayfly nymphs.

Materials list:
Hook: Daiichi 4640 or 4647 #10
Thread: MFC 8/0, or UTC 70, Black
Tail: Flue From the Base of a Pheasant Rump Feather Mixed With Crystal Flash, Pearl or U.V. Pearl
Body: Pheasant Rump Aftershaft Feathers Spun in Dubbing Loop Bead: 1/8” (4.0 MM) Tungsten, Black

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Filed under Trout flies

Flies Around the Net – July 2019

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Filed under Dry Fly, Hoppers, nymphs, Poppers, Streamers, Trout flies