Check out the new fall issue of Southern Culture On the Fly magazine!
Southern Culture On the Fly – #33
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Fish-Skull Disco Deceiver
From Flymen Fishing Company:
“Paul Brown’s Disco Deceiver is a big flashy streamer with TONS of swimming action. For targeting everything from pike to brown trout in endless color combinations, the Disco Deceiver is a ton of fun to fish and tie. Combining Fish-Skull Articulated Fish-Spines in the middle of the fly’s body gives it two extra break points for movement and a Fish-Skull Baitfish Head helps get this fly to the strike zone quickly.”
Materials list:
Rear Hook
Hook: Kona Universal Strong Streamer, size #6
Tail: Schlappen
Wing: Bucktail
Underwing: Bucktail
Body: Polar Chenille
Overwing: Ice Wing Fiber
Middle Section 1
Shank 1: Fish-Skull Articulated Fish-Spine, size 10 mm
Body: Polar Chenille
Wing: Bucktail
Underwing: Bucktail
Overwing: Ice Wing Fiber
Middle Section 2
Shank 2: Fish-Skull Articulated Fish-Spine, size 15 mm
Body: Polar Chenille
Wing: Bucktail
Underwing: Bucktail
Overwing: Ice Wing Fiber
Front Hook
Hook: Kona Universal Strong Streamer, size 1/0
Body: Polar Chenille
Middle Wing: Bucktail
Middle Underwing: Bucktail
Middle Overwing: Ice Wing Fiber
Body: Polar Chenille
Wing: Bucktail
Underwing: Bucktail
Overwing: Ice Wing Fiber
Head: Fish-Skull Baitfish Head
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Filed under Streamers
Flies Around the Net – October 2019
- @anglerschoiceflies Mike Schmidt
- @ekulstacy Luke Stacy
- @deltabassbugs
- @envisionflyworks Steve Yewchuck
- @fiske_i_marka Fabien Moulin
- @flyfishga Conner Jones
- @flyenvy Pete Butler
- @fly_science Ethan
- @mattbregartner Matt Bregartner
- @flysnties_fly_company Casey Dunnigan
- @hacklehoarder Ian Wilson
- @newwaterflyco Troy Hunt
- @live4flyfishing Michal Zapal
- @midnightsuncustomflies Jonathan Farmer
- @leroy_botha Leroy Botha
- @originalflowfarmer James Flatten
- @kurefluer Henrik Kure Nielsen
- @sculpinarmy Courtney Morris
- @sgt.bassfisher Joe Jackson
- @ucangler Efon Manriquez
- @son_tao Son Tao
- @rupertharvey_ukflies Rupert Harvey
- @stuartfoxall Stuart Foxall
- @stu.medi Stu Medi
- @tim_sickles Tim Sickles
- @theflyfiend Jake
- @williamensiferum William Ensiferum
J. Stockard Fly Tying Contest
J. Stockard is holding their first fly tying contest which includes four different categories. Dry flies, nymphs, streamers, and all others like poppers for example.
The prizes include gift certificates that you can use online at J. Stockard.
BEST FLY – $250
1st Place in each category – $100
2nd Place in each category – $50
3rd Place in each category – $25
For all of the rules and details check out their contest page that explains everything.
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Steelhead Double Trouble
From Holsinger’s Fly Shop:
“The guys over at Lively Legz come out with a new fly this year called the Double Trouble nymph. It’s called that because its double weighted and double action with the legz and sili legs antenna and tail. I decided to put my twist on it to target steelhead. I’ve had a lot of success for steelhead with pink and purple flies.”
Materials list:
Firehole 718 Size 8
Tungsten Bead Metallic Pink 3.8mm
.020 Lead Wire
140 Denier Fl. Pink Thread
Sili legs Perfectly Barred Orange
Gold Brassie Ultra Wire
Med Purple Vinyl Rib
SLF Prism Shrimp Pink
Thin Skin Mottled Oak Natural
Lg. Shimmery Purple Lively Legz
The Mission – Issue 18
In this issue of The Mission, they have a great article on Bob Popovics. So check it out!
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Articulated Micro-Spine Bugger Changer – Blane Chocklett
From Flymen Fishing Company:
“Taking the Iconic Woolly Bugger Fly to the Next Level – While the original Woolly Bugger gets its movement in the water from the undulation of its marabou and hackle body materials, the Bugger Changer combines this body material undulation with lifelike articulation, made possible at this micro scale with the new Fish-Skull Chocklett’s Articulated Micro-Spine system. In this Bugger Changer fly tying tutorial, Blane Chocklett walks you through how to tie this fly in detail, including tips and tricks on tying with the new Articulated Micro-Spine system.”
Materials list:
Hook: Kona Big Game Hunter, size #6
Thread: 6/0
Tail: Mini Marabou, black + Hackle, Indian Hen Saddle
Shanks 1, 2, 3, and 4: Fish-Skull Articulated Micro-Spine, 8 mm
Body: H20 Streamer Brush
Body: Hackle, Indian Hen Saddle
Shank 5: Fish-Skull Articulated Fish-Spine, 15 mm
Eyes: Dumbell
Head: H20 Streamer Brush + Hackle, Indian Hen Saddle
Here is the link to the product page for the new Micro Spine Shanks.
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Filed under New Product, Streamers