Tying Bugs: The Complete Book of Poppers, Sliders, and Divers for Fresh and Salt Water is a new book by Kirk Dietrich. Kirk is extremely knowledgeable on the subject of tying poppers. In this book he not only takes you through tying with foam poppers, but through the entire process of making your own poppers from cork, wood, or foam.
He delves way back into classic poppers and how they were made. He also met with Lefty Kreh and picked his brain on the subject as well. I thought the information on the White Bomber was very interesting.
Kirk covers shaping poppers and how to place them on hooks correctly. Painting, coloring them and covering them with clear coats or epoxy. Using eyes, weed guards, tying materials, and fishing them. I’m making this sound simplistic, but Kirk goes into detail and gives you in-depth knowledge on these applications.
The subject of divers and sliders are covered. A subject that is not very well explained in social media or other means. One style I was not aware of was pushers. Which is another slight variation of the slider that Kirk explains in the book. This inspired me to design my own popper which is part pusher, part diver.
I found myself going back through the book again and again picking up information that I didn’t see the first time. The quality of the photos are excellent and the captions are interesting too. Here is a brief review from reader, Bev Sullivan.
“Kirk’s Book, “Tying Bugs”, is an absolute must have. The directions are spot on and easy to understand. Each photo has an explanation that is clear and descriptive. But, if I couldn’t read I could still make bugs because the photos are top notch. Kirk’s work is masterful both in his making of poppers and writing about making them. He describes the process, the materials and the tools in a way that allows both the beginner and the old timer to produce excellent results.
Thanks for sharing your hard work, Kirk.”
I highly recommend you pick up a copy because it is a book you will continue to flip through time and time again to help with your own popper fly tying.
You can of course find the book on Amazon here.
For an autographed copy of the book inscribed to you by the author, send $40 free shipping, to his email; if you don’t use PayPal, email him and he will give you his mailing address for sending a check by mail.
Amazon and their 3rd party vendors are selling the book cheaper without the author’s inscription.
Kirk has a Facebook author page setup if you would like to follow him there. Go to this link:
Author, Kirk Dietrich