The TFP Cripple was created because Missouri River fish tend to eat dead, crippled, and rusty PMD’s much better than bright yellow duns. The problem with a lot of the cripples that we had in the bins, even the CDC variations, tend to be way overdressed and when fished among a bunch of naturals didn’t even looks remotely convincing. So we came up with this cripple to have a low profile, be sparse, still float, and be visible. We have antron added to the tail, ice dub in front, and deer hair on the crippled wing. At first we thought the deer hair would over power the fly, but after using a lot of different wing materials, if you actually watch the fly on the water it is the least overpowering of any material as long as you use the deer sparsely on the fly. The deer hair also repels water and floats much better than many alternatives. If you want to fool picky trout during the summer PMD hatch, this is a worthy option.
1 extra-long standard dry fly hook
70 Ultra Thread – Brown
Wood Duck
Mcflylon – Copper
Turkey biot – Brown
Deer hair
Grizzly hackle
UV Ice Dub – Light Yellow