Dan Kozel’s fly tying

Dan Kozel has gained a lot of fly fishing experience in a short period of time in his life. He will add a little more about that below. He has a couple of really cool streamers he has been fishing and working on called the Uggo Bug and the Obscene Gesture. He said they have been working great for him. Check them out below. So here is Dan to give you a brief introduction of himself.

“I’ve been tying my own flies for about 6 years now. I’ve tied for multiple fresh and salt species including trout, steelhead,bass, panfish, pike, and bonefish. I grew up in Virginia and have fished extensively throughout the east coast. Two years ago I was accepted to graduate school at the University of Montana in Missoula. In those two years I fished as much as possible on as many well-known and unknown streams throughout the state.  I worked as a videographer for a fly fishing show for awhile.  I’ve recently moved back to Virginia an plan to pursue more saltwater species as well as carp, bass, and musky.”

Uggo Bug

Uggo Bug

Uggo Bug
Hook: Daiichi 2220 Size 2
Thread: Black 210 Denier
Tail: Magnum Rabbit Strip
Body: Polar Chenille
Wing: Arctic Fox
Flash: Gold Crystal Flash
Eyes: Large Dumbell
Sili Legs


Uggo Bug

Obscene Gesture

Obscene Gesture

Obscene Gesture

Back Hook: Any straight eye streamer hook size 2-4
Thread: Color to match ducktail
Tail: Magnum Rabbit Strip
Body: Large Cactus Chenille
Front Hook: TMC 8089

Tail: Magnum Rabbit Strip
Body: Large Cactus Chenille

Head: Bucktail reverse tied
Eyes: MFC Jurassic Eyes
CCG to finish head


Obscene Gesture

1 Comment

Filed under Streamers

One Response to Dan Kozel’s fly tying

  1. Daniel Seaman

    Nice looking flies! I like the Uggo alot.

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